Tweet tweet! *cough* |
*cough* Twitter! It’s called Twitter! There are millions of people on there – I think you call them twits. Some of them are followed by millions of other people, especially if you’re famous and are a relative of the queen like Lady Gaga. I started to explore by following people, and I’m learning from them every day. Now there are 18 people who follow ME – and I don’t even know where I’m going! *cough*
One thing I learned about Twitter is that people show you useful things all the time. Some people just talk about their favourite shoes and people they don’t like, but lots of people show me articles they read or videos they liked that they think I will like too. My favourite twits at the moment are @TEDtalks and @GOOD – there’s so much to learn just on these websites!
I live somewhere where people speak lots of languages, but they also speak English. I don’t understand everything they say, so I’m following some people on Twitter to help me. There’s a nice lady called @shellterrell who seems to know lots and lives in Germany, and @cioccas seems very friendly – she lives in Australia like me. Then there’s @Marisa_C – I think she’s the president of Twitter and lives in Greece. She showed me that if I type #eltchat I can find heaps of things about learning – just what I need for exploring the world! *shimmer* so excited! *sparkle*